Friday, July 1, 2011

Target, Advil and Cheap Rice Tips

I am not going to break down my Target grocery purchase because I didn't remember to take a photo of everything before I put it away.  I always forget when I putting groceries away!

But I do want to point out a few little things...

First, using the $4/2 Advil coupon on the 10 count has worked great at both Target and Walmart for me.  The cashier today asked me if I was planning a trip.  Confused I said, um no??  She then asked if I just like little bottles.  Ha.  I then explained coupons to her.  All of that Advil and Visine...totally FREE!  With overage, actually.  So I bought 40 Advil tablets (in total from the four tubes) for FREE.  But a 24 tablet bottle of Advil sells regularly at Target for $3.69.  So yes, I do like little bottles when they make things FREE!

Second, is the difference between buying Minute Rice and regular old takes 40 mins to cook rice.  OK so I will give you the fact that Minute Rice (which really takes @10 minutes according to this box) is much faster.  But, it's also MUCH more expensive and less healthy than regular rice.  The bag of regular brown rice, not on sale, sold for $0.79 and contains more product than the Minute Rice selling for $2.04.

My tip is to make a bag or two at one time of rice.  Then freeze portions of it in baggies.  This way, all you have to do is defrost a baggie in the microwave when need it for a meal or salad.  You save yourself both time and money in the end if you are willing to put in all the time upfront.  And really, it's not like cooking rice is hard.  It's totally worth it in the long run!

1 comment:

Amy said...

I love brown rice too, but I hate the time it takes to cook it. I cook a large batch of rice and freeze it in portions we will it. It only takes 5 minutes to reheat or 2 minutes if you remember to take it out and let it thaw. Stop by and check out my Tips for Tuesday. I have several other time saving ideas.