Thursday, March 31, 2011

Why I Heart Rain Checks

A few weeks ago, Price Chopper was running a great sale on Gillette Fusion Pro Glide razors.  Normally between $12 and $14, they were on sale for just $5.  With the $4/1 manufacturer coupons, they would have been only $1 for me.  But by the time I got to the store that week, they were of course sold out.  Even without using the coupon, that was a great deal.  But I was savvy enough by then to pick up a Rain Check.  Which allows me to buy up to three of the item at the sale price for up to 30 days later.  However those $4/1 coupons were expiring today and I really wanted to take advantage of that great deal.  For the record, I plan to use them for myself.  I know they are men's razors but I figure a razor is a razor and my legs will never be the wiser.  Right?  I thought so too!

So the one in the middle is battery operated?  I didn't realize that until I brought it home and have no idea why one would need a battery in a razor.  Seems like a terrible idea to me.  It was priced at $13.49.  I didn't mean to grab it but it rang up fine so it's all peachy.


(1)  Gillette Fusion Pro Glide Power Razor - $13.49
(2)  Gillette Fusion Pro Glide Razor - $11.99

- Rain check making all (3) ring up at $5/each
- (3) $4/1 manufacturer coupons

= Paid out of pocket a total of $3 (plus tax) instead of the regular price of $37.47.  That's a savings of 92%!!  I promise my legs will never know the difference.

1 comment:

Jayna Rae said...

Woot! Woot! I think mens razors are actually sharper so they work better.
BTW- I got my first Up bucks at Rite Aid today. Not a super great deal, but it was a start.