Sunday, May 22, 2011

Good Mail

Lots and lot of good mail has come in the last two weeks. 

Baby formula. 
More baby formula.
Hot sauce.
Laundry detergent.
Toaster bag for grilled cheese sandwiches. 
Recipe book.
Feminine pad.
Coupons for FREE dog treats and FREE Zyrtec.
And lots more high value coupons.

The baby stuff all gets donated.  Some gets given away.  Some gets saved for later use.  Some gets used right away because I'm so curious. 

Either way, it makes for a very fun mailbox each week!


JulesTX said...

I started to get my own fun mail arriving this past week ! I got the Zyrtec coupon for a free 5 pak and also a coupon for a tub of Cottonelle fresh wipes.

Anonymous said...

Just wondering how did you find out about the "good mail" deals?

Coupon Crocodile said...

Deal Finder Iana

I find the free samples all over the place. Lots I find in my email in box. I sign up for things all the time. Walmart and Target both have sample pages too. And via other bloggers. Every time I post a FREE Sample...this good mail a month or two later is the result. It's a great way to try new products.

Hope that helps!