Monday, January 2, 2012

Coupon Goals: 2012

I started my serious couponing on January 01, 2011.  I've certainly had my ups and downs.  There were months when I was rocking my pink socks and months when I would neglect to take time to clip my coupons.  It happens to all of us.  But overall, I'd say I did pretty great.  For my first full year. 

2012 though, well I have a few goals to increase my savings and sanity.  I also reserve the right to change these at any time.  Ha.  It's my blog and I'll change things if I want to.

* Post deals on my blog weekly, BEFORE I actually go to the grocery store.  I was hit or miss with this last year.  But I am so grateful to all those bloggers who helped me along my journey and want to do the same for those reading this blog. 

* Focus on food.  Not necessarily on the blog, but in my own personal shopping trips.  I have toiletries to last a while in most categories.  But the side of my pantry that is food focused is sort of wimpy.  I'd like to build a much better supply of edibles.

* Stay organized.  I re-organized my pantry a few months ago and things are soooo accessibly now.  I just need to maintain. 

* Share my coupon tips and passion in person.  I hope to offer a class as part of a fundraiser for an organization with which I volunteer. 

* Increase my grocery savings.  This was my biggest struggle in 2011.  But I continue to learn and get better and have high hopes for low bills in 2012.

* Share inexpensive meal recipes on this blog.  In my defense, I do post recipes on my other two blogs.  But I plan to be more mindful about making recipes and nothing prices to share some meal-time savings.  This will probably be a big challenge for me too.

So how about y'all?  Any big coupon-related goals n 2012?  My general goal is to lose 25 lbs and procrastinate less.  But that's always my goal and I never even turn on the work out videos.  Failing at both my goals at the same time.  What can I say, I like to multi-task when failing miserably!  So my laundry list of coupon goals seems more likely.

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