Wednesday, October 5, 2011

GREAT Make Up Deal At Rite-Aid

Wow, I am sooo thrilled with the Cover Girl deals at Rite-Aid this week! 

Before taxes, all of the above is valued at $43.92.
Then factor in the Buy One, Get One Half Off sale.
Then subtract (4) $8/2 Cover Girl coupons from 10/02.
Before taxes, I paid just $0.92.  Total for all that you see above! 

Oh but it gets better!  Because I spent more than $30 on Cover Girl before coupons, I earned myself a hot little $10 + up Reward.  Yup, Rite-Aid ever so kindly paid me in store funny money to take home a giant supply of make-up. 

Good golly I love couponing!

1 comment:

Girl with the Curlz said...

That's great!! I can't wait to use my two $8 off coupons either. What an awesome coupon.