Wednesday, May 9, 2012

What Do You Do With Over Ripe Bananas?

Oh sure, everyone loves banana bread.  But how many loaves can one really make and eat? 

When my bananas start to turn a little too ripe for my liking, I pop them in the freezer.  I don't peel them or anything.  I mean, bananas come divinely pre-packaged so why mess with perfection?  Sometimes I use them to make banana bread or smoothies.  But I recently saw this little recipe on Pinterest and have been making it regularly ever since.

Sort of a mock chocolate ice cream.

* 1 rock hard frozen banana
* 2 tbls chocolate powder

* Pop your frozen banana in the microwave for 40 seconds.
* Snip the top of the banana with kitchen scissors.  Either peel the skin or just sort of squeeze out the banana into a bowl.
* Add a few tablespoons of chocolate powder.  I've used both Nesquik and hot chocolate mix.  It's truly a whateversonhand sort of thing.
* Mix up and enjoy.

So you want your banana to still be frozen but you want to be able to mix the chocolate in.  40 seconds is the perfect time for my microwave.  This is so yummy!  Cold and creamy and sweet and just delightful!  A total waste not, want not treat.  A great way to make sure that last banana and last bit of cocoa don't go to waste! 

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