Wednesday, April 13, 2011

More FREE Paper

Staples seems to give this HP paper away like candy.  As I've only been couponing since January 01, I have no idea if this is normal or not.  But I am certainly not complaining.  This is actually their best deal yet.  A Money Maker!

Click the coupon link to print it out.  <OK so I had to click the link several times to find the coupon.  I wish I had a better answer of why that is but it is there and does not expire until Sunday.  My best advice is to just click it a few times until it appears.  If I figure out a better solution I promise to pop on with an update!>

Then go here to print out a $1/1 coupon.  Pay out of pocket (before tax), $4.99.

Submit for your rebate (limit 1) and in a few weeks, get a check from Staples for $5.99.

That's BETTER THAN FREE paper, my friends!  Now if only I could find that deal on ink!!


JulesTX said...

Unless I'm missing something, this coupon has expired :(

Anonymous said...

Free paper? That's awesome! Free (or severely discounted) ink would be amazing!